Tuesday 29 April 2014

29th April 2014 in UPM

I woke up at 07.30 am. and started to study at 08.40 am. I leaned to create a blogger in Blogger.com. and at noon I met Iraq friends there are 4 people their name Ali, Karrar, Abdulrahman and Mohammad  they're so friendly and their English is good. the buddy of my group he name's karrar and we give a Thai name for him, the name is Chaichana it's mean victory and I met a Malaysian buddy we are talk about work, it's video of family. they 're help me and explain anything. in the evening my friends, my teacher and I went to shopping mall. The name is Mitvally, it is a large department store. there are many shop and has everything. I think that haha.And we're came back at 08.30 pm. I'm so tired but so funny at the same time.

Monday 28 April 2014

The first time to came to Malaysia.

Before I come here. I 'm excited and very happy  to explore of my life in Malaysia. And when i arrived I so worry about my English because my English is not good. but Malaysian people are very kind and friendly.  it made me bold to use it.The first think when i arrived i think that this city is very beautiful and clean, The traffic is not jam however have a lot of car.

We Love Ukulele

I love Ukulele very much