Thursday 19 June 2014

Thank you Letter.


In Malaysia I had many good memory. University, teacher, Dormitory, Malaysian people, traveling, Department store, Twin Towers all of this make me happy. However someday I had a problem but now it's alright. I will not forget everything in here. Thank you everyone. Thank you every places.

When the nearly time to go back home. I'm excited and sad at the same time. I miss my home, it's true but I miss Malaysia too.

My favorite fruit



Green apple



When I go back to Thailand already

When I arrive to Thailand and my house. I will hug my dad, mom, sister, brother, grandfather and My dog, Tonkao, Mookrob. I miss them so much. and then we will have dinner and eat Thai food full of table. I told my mom like this hahaha and next day we will eat grill poke. I'm so hungry.

1 Day before leave Malaysia

On the morning, I went to Cyber lab and update my blog into finished. and then I will have lunch. On afternoon I think I will meet with Peisha and Hanisah. and on the evening I will prepare my baggage to go back to Thailand on tomorrow,21/06/2014.


I went to midvally to buy souvenir for my family and my friends. It's a final shopping in malaysia and then I will go back to Thailand on 21 June 2014. But it's no all of my souvenir.

I had dinner with my friend at Oldtown White Coffee

My Hotel in my imagine

Touch Sky Hotel

The beautiful hotel in a huge mountain, You can find a real natural, around my hotel have a full of a big tree. you can camping to wait to see a sunset or wake up to see a sunshine with a cool air. Be full of relaxing.

Our video Hotel


Final Presentation

On Tuesday 17 June 2014, I had presentation with Miss Sharifah. My topic is Ukulele.

 My script