Monday 9 June 2014

Cast Away

 Cast Away

 On yesterday, Peisha give me watched a very good movie. Name's Cast Away. So, this movie refer that one guy who had an accident and end up on the deserted island and he try every ways to survive for meet his girlfriend again. and finally he's survived and returning to his house but everything was change.

Q : What would you do, if your plane crashes and you end up on a deserted island just like the one experience by Chuck in the movie?

A : I'll try everything to survive same him.

Q : If you were Chuck, and you survived on a deserted island for more than 4 years. Finally returning to civilization, you found out that your loved one married someone else and has their own family. What would you feel and what would you have done?

A :Normally, nobody who found this situation not sad. But I'll happy if my loved is happy. Don't angry. I see that he's so sad when I leave him very long time. He's lonely and want to someone understand him. I'll go on my ways. Our life can beginning every time, I think so. 

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