Tuesday 3 June 2014

The Miracle Worker

Today, Peisha gave a very good movie to we watch. that movie's name The Miracle Worker. and she has a question for we answer when the movie finished.

 Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan

Please answer the following question.

Q : What is the name of the little girl?
A : Her name's Helen Keller.

Q : What happened to the little girl?
A : She's blind and can't speak.

Q : Who is the woman in glasses?
A : She's Anne Sullivan.

Q : Why is the woman in glasses in the little girl's house?
A : She came to teach the word for the little girl and teach anything also the manner.

Q : What can you say about the little girl?
A : She's a poor girl, blind and can't speak when she was young. However when she was young, she's a headstrong. But she have an attempt to learn until better.

Q : What can you say about the little girl's father, mother and brother?
A : They fostered the little girl with a love but they indulge her so much. They're not try to teach the word, manner and not enough comfort her just she's blind and can't speak. they're should foster the girl like an other kids and think for the future if the girl don't have mother, father and brother. Teach her to survive by herself.   

Q : What can you say about the woman in glasses?
A : She's a strong woman and have a full of attempt to help a little girl. she has a real love to be a teacher and give a love for teach. Finally, she's success.

Q : Do you like the movie? Why?
A :  I like the movie so much. Because It's has a funny, sad, and appreciate and thinking. I'm very impression.

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