Friday 6 June 2014

Interesting malaysian foods what I want to try!



A fruit/veges salad with dark, thick prawn paste and yau char quai, rojak can be bought from street vendors everywhere, and like many other Malaysian foods, available in different variants, so there's plenty of choice for everyone.

Satay. Sticks of marinated, grilled meat, served with a sweet chilli or peanut sauce, often with ketupat, rice that's been wrapped in pandan leaves and cooked in it. There's no real rule to what eat you can use for satay- you most commonly see chicken and beef, but some stalls offer deer meat, roast boar, and any other meat you can imagine on a stick. In Thailand also have satay but I want to try satay in Malaysia too.

                                                                         Nasi Dagang

Literally 'Trade Rice', Nasi Dagang is rice steamed in coconut milk and eaten with fish curry and picked vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, and a variety of different meat dishes. Primarily hailing from the Eastern coast of Malaysia, Nasi Dagang is a genuinely Malaysian dish all can enjoy.

                                                                           Nasi Lemak

Ahhhh, the infamous Nasi Lemak. At it's heart, sumptuous fragrant coconut rice with cucumbers, sambal, and ikan bilis. Available in a thousand different forms, from nasi lemak bungkus at the mamak, nasi lemak goreng, nasi lemak ayam berempah, and the list goes on and on. The truly constant thing about this dish? It's something everyone can sit down and enjoy together.

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