Sunday 15 June 2014


Question : Among the 3 movies you have watched (The Miracle Worker, Cast Away & Bicentennial Man), in your opinion:

Q : What is good about the movies? (Each movie must have at least 3 points)

A :  The Miracle Worker : This movie has a attempt to do some thing. Anne attempt teach the word for Helen with her love. It's like a help one person who can't see and can't speak to expectation. This movie shows about love of family. and It's the hope for disabled.

      Cast Away : This movie shows Chuck tried to do anything as well as he can do to survive for meet him love again, it's a inspiration for anybody who found same situation. he tried to learned to survive for  how many years he must return. It's a very good feel. I think The most reason about this movie are love and hope.

      Bicentennial Man : This movie shows about love of robot for human. There is attachment between robot and human. Like a real family. But sometime I can't understand, Why robot have a feel or emotion? But on the other hand, It's very nice. If compare with some human who don't know right thing and bad thing and do have sorry feel.


Q : Is there anything in the movie(s) that you did not like?

A :    The Miracle Worker : I didn't like Helen's family. They don't teach the word and all about life. They indulgent Helen too much and do not follow Anne said. Helen's father attempt to don't give a chance for Anne. It's so bad.

        Cast Away : I didn't like about his girlfriend, I think she should wait for chuck return however, It's so hard to do. In other hand, I understand  his girlfriend, she so hurt about chuck so much and alone. She want to someone understand her.

        Bicentennial Man : I didn't like about Andrew who is a robot but want to be a human and want to have anything same human.


Q : Which is your favorite movie and why? (Your answer should not be lesser than 200 words)

A :  I like Cast away, because it's shows about attempt of one person. Shows about method to survive if you end up in Island, and you should have something or someone to be your inspiration for survive. Shows just one person can do so much thing don't have facility, dot have electricity, don't have a soft bed to sleep, don't even have shoes. Like a civilization But human can live for many years. It's so amazing for me. You can think on other reason that our life however do not have a car, facility, electricity, soft thing but You can live. Normally, human have instinct to survive. Even you are find with situation that time.

Once reason, human can't live without the love. I think if I'm chuck who don't have love, family, friend and anything else. I want to die since I end up in island on the first day. I don't know why I survive if I can't return? Nobody wait me. Don't have the hope but if I have a hope, have a love, I will do anything to survive for meet someone who I love however they change or still the same.

If you are chuck. What do you thing? How can you survive?

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