Thursday 19 June 2014

Thank you Letter.


In Malaysia I had many good memory. University, teacher, Dormitory, Malaysian people, traveling, Department store, Twin Towers all of this make me happy. However someday I had a problem but now it's alright. I will not forget everything in here. Thank you everyone. Thank you every places.

When the nearly time to go back home. I'm excited and sad at the same time. I miss my home, it's true but I miss Malaysia too.

My favorite fruit



Green apple



When I go back to Thailand already

When I arrive to Thailand and my house. I will hug my dad, mom, sister, brother, grandfather and My dog, Tonkao, Mookrob. I miss them so much. and then we will have dinner and eat Thai food full of table. I told my mom like this hahaha and next day we will eat grill poke. I'm so hungry.

1 Day before leave Malaysia

On the morning, I went to Cyber lab and update my blog into finished. and then I will have lunch. On afternoon I think I will meet with Peisha and Hanisah. and on the evening I will prepare my baggage to go back to Thailand on tomorrow,21/06/2014.


I went to midvally to buy souvenir for my family and my friends. It's a final shopping in malaysia and then I will go back to Thailand on 21 June 2014. But it's no all of my souvenir.

I had dinner with my friend at Oldtown White Coffee

My Hotel in my imagine

Touch Sky Hotel

The beautiful hotel in a huge mountain, You can find a real natural, around my hotel have a full of a big tree. you can camping to wait to see a sunset or wake up to see a sunshine with a cool air. Be full of relaxing.

Our video Hotel


Final Presentation

On Tuesday 17 June 2014, I had presentation with Miss Sharifah. My topic is Ukulele.

 My script


Berry fruit

Blackberry, Thimbleberry and Raspberry

Blackberries and raspberries are classified as aggregate fruits because they are clusters of one-seeded drupelets, each cluster of drupelets developing from a single flower. The drupelets are typically eaten as a cluster, and not individually. Like other fruits, the origin of blackberries and raspberries is very complicated and there are numerous cultivated varieties that have been developed through the centuries. The main red raspberries grown commercially come from Rubus idaeus, a widespread North American species. The origin of many cultivars of true blackberries include the North American black raspberry R. occidentalis, the European cut-leaved blackberry (R. laciniatus), and the Pacific blackberry or dewberry (R. ursinus). The latter species is also the source of the 'Loganberry,' 'Youngberry' and 'Boysenberry.' Actually, a cross between an octoploid California blackberry (possibly R. ursinus) and a European raspberry, first discovered in the garden of Joshua Logan, gave rise to the loganberry, a popular fruit in the western United States, where it is used for pies and jams. North American blackberries are also the source of an edible purple dye used to label meats with the familiar USDA ratings.


The strawberry is another very beautiful aggregate fruit that develops from a single white flower. It is composed of numerous, small, yellowish-brown, one-seeded fruits (called achenes) which are embedded in a swollen, fleshy, red receptacle. The tiny achenes are only found in the outer (surface) tissue of the strawberry receptacle, and produce the slight, gritty texture of the fruit. Most of the common cultivated varieties come from Fragaria x ananassa, a hybrid between Virginia strawberry F. virginiana of eastern North America and the widespread beach strawberry F. chiloensis of North and South America. The generic name Fragaria is derived from the Latin fragrans, referring to the sweet fragrance of the fruit. Strawberries are an attractive and delicious fruit with a high content of vitamins A and C.

 Aggregate fruit of a hybrid strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) showing the individual yellowish-brown, one-seeded achenes embedded in the red, fleshy receptacle. Although the one-seeded achenes represent separate ripened ovaries, each strawberry is produced from a single white flower. 

My favorite Thai Singer

 Room 39

They are just only music band in some club in USA. After, They upload they video in Youtube, They become one of the most popular Thai music band now. 

 They are cover noting on you

The first music video


Not Pana Yangkool


Tuesday 17 June 2014

Sunway Pyramid


Sunway Pyramid

On last Saturday My friends and I went to Sunway Pyramid. We take off UPM at 12.00 am. and arrived at 13.30 pm. We're funny and tired.


Ice skit

We're found Thai food restaurant. It's name Thai Thai and we're ate Thai food. It is so delicious I ordered Khao kra phrao gai khai dao and Som tam (Papaya Salad). It's make me more missing Thailand.